Tokyo has no shortage of excellent teppanyaki restaurants. These are just a few great places we love going back to again and again.

Ukai-tei teppanyaki - image © Florentyna Leow
Teppanyaki in Japan is a far cry from the Benihana experience that Western tourists might be more familiar with. Teppanyaki simply refers to food that’s been cooked on an iron griddle.
While it may not be ultra-flashy – no egg-tossing or spoon-juggling here, folks – it’s all about superb ingredients cooked well. Even without the tricks, watching the chefs transform raw ingredients into food right in front of you is always a magical experience, too.
- Ukaitei (Harajuku; expensive)
This excellent teppanyaki restaurant on Omotesando is a brilliant place to sample delicious Japanese meat and shellfish. They offer wine pairings chosen to accentuate the dishes. - Restaurant Omae XEX (Roppongi; expensive)
This upscale and tourist teppanyaki restaurant serves some surprisingly tasty meat and seafood. As you would expect, it's cooked on a teppan right in front of you. - Teppanyaki Grow (Ueno; expensive)
Watching teppanyaki chefs work their magic on the iron plate is always good fun, and Teppanyaki Grow in Ueno provides entertainment and great food.
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Where Are These Places Located?
See these places on the Truly Tokyo Google map:- Open the Tokyo map
- You will see the list of places on the left hand side. (Click the 3-line icon in the top left corner if not). Scroll down or use the map search (the magnifying glass icon) to find the place you want.
- Click the name of the place in the list. Its location pin will be highlighted on the map.
- Map pins are color coded - BLUE: Hotels / Ryokan / Guesthouses | VIOLET: Ryokan | PINK: Places to Eat | GREEN: Shops | YELLOW: Things to See and Do
- If you're using the map on your phone, open the map and then search for the name of the place. The map will then zoom in on its location.
Tokyo Vacation Checklist
- For all the essentials in a brief overview, see my First Time In Tokyo guide
- Check Tokyo accommodation availability and pricing on and - often you can book with no upfront payment and free cancellation
- Need tips on where to stay? See my one page guide Where To Stay In Tokyo
- You can buy shinkansen (bullet train) tickets online from Klook - popular routes include Tokyo to Kyoto, Tokyo to Osaka and Tokyo to Hiroshima
- You can buy an eSim to activate in Japan or buy a Japan SIM card online for collection on arrival at Tokyo Narita or Haneda airports. Or rent an unlimited data pocket wifi router
- See my comprehensive Packing List For Japan
- Compare airline flight prices and timings for the best Japan flight deals. Check my guides to arriving at Narita Airport and at Haneda Airport.
- If you're visiting more than one city, you might save money with a Japan Rail Pass – see if it's worth it for you
- World Nomads offers simple and flexible travel insurance. Buy at home or while traveling and claim online from anywhere in the world
- Do you want help planning your trip? Chris Rowthorn and his team of Japan experts at Japan Travel Consulting can help